Thursday, February 13, 2014


I've been working on this commission project for a while. My customer asked me to make a large banner for his space marines army with a Pin-up girl on it. He sent me some references and ideas for this project and included the pic of this beautiful pin-up girl that I found out it designed by Scott Blair (click to see his web site HERE) I accepted this commission and postponed another projects because this is the thing that I've never done before (painting a pin-up) and I always want to try something new if I have a chance :)
It quite difficult during the sketch for make she has a sexy looks and proper shape as same in the original pic. I spent a lot of time during this process and after I finished the sketch, it's time to have fun with the painting!!

The banner was made from thin rolled Magic-sculpt and plastic rod for the pole. I rubbed the pole with vaseline before put on the Magic-sculpt in order to make the pole not to stuck with Magic-sculpt and make the banner can adjustable after it completely dried.

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